
Green Finance Framework

Green Finance Framework

Dans le cadre des opérations de financement du Groupe Romande Energie, Romande Energie Holding SA a mis en place, en 2022, un cadre de financement de projets 100% renouvelables conforme aux « Green Bond Principles » de l’ICMA (International Capital Market Association) et aux « Green Loan Principles » de la LMA (Loan Market Association).

Le Green Finance Framework publié se réfère également aux standards de l’APLMA (Asia Pacific Loan Market Association) et de la LSTA (Loan Syndications & Trading Association).

SPO – Second Party Opinion

Romande Energie Holding SA a mandaté ISS ESG pour l’accompagner dans la mise en œuvre de ses emprunts verts (Green Bond) et obtenir une « Second Party Opinion ».

Les deux documents (« Green Finance Framework » et « Second Party Opinion ») sont disponibles sur le site Internet « Relations Investisseurs » du Groupe Romande Energie.

"This communication does not constitute an offer, a solicitation or an invitation to subscribe for or purchase any bonds of Romande Energie Holding SA (the "Company"). This communication constitutes neither a prospectus pursuant to Art. 35 ff. of the Financial Services Act and the applicable provisions of the Financial Services Ordinance nor a listing prospectus pursuant to the Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange or a prospectus equivalent document in accordance with other applicable legislations. This communication may contain certain forward-looking statements and assessments or intentions concerning the Company and its business. Such statements involve certain risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the actual results, financial condition, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such statements. Readers should therefore not place reliance on these statements, particularly not in connection with any contract or investment decision. The Company disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, assessments or intentions”.

PDF Date Titre
PDF, 3.1MB, opens in a new window 02/08/2024 Green Finance Impact Report 2024 (English only)
PDF, 633KB, opens in a new window 02/08/2024 Appendix ISS External Review 2024 (English only)
PDF, 3.5MB, opens in a new window 21/07/2023 Green Finance Impact Report 2023 (English only)
PDF, 623KB, opens in a new window 21/07/2023 Appendix ISS External Review 2023 (English only)
PDF, 10.7MB, opens in a new window 22/06/2022 Green Finance Framework - version mise à jour (English only)
PDF, 10.7MB, opens in a new window 22/06/2022 SPO - Second Party Opinion - version mise à jour (English only)

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